Beauty@Mowana offers a range of beauty treatments and services provided by a team of professionally trained therapists in a tranquil environment situated at Mowana Spa. Our selected range of products will ensure you gain the most out of your selected beauty treatments. We stock Kalahari Ancient Desert Secrets, Gelish, MatsiMela and 3D Beauty Eyelash Extensions - an extrodinary journey awaits you...
- Skin Care Facials
- Aromatherapy Massages
- Hot Stone Therapy Massages
- Waxing
Further to our beauty treatment, we have specifically developed a range of relaxing Beauty@Mowana Packages to suite men, women and children alike. These packages include:
- Sassy Sisters Pamper Package
- Lords & Ladies Pamper Package
- Day Dreamers Delight Pamper Package
- Must for Him Pamper Package